When Should You Consider Undergoing Chorion Villus Sampling Testing?
A chorionic villus sample can reveal genetic details about your unborn child. Usually, chorionic villus sampling is recommended when the test results could significantly affect how the pregnancy is managed or whether you want to carry the baby to term. In pregnancy, weeks 11 to 14 are often when chorionic villus sampling is carried out, which is sooner than amniocentesis and other prenatal diagnostic tests. Through CV sampling, doctors in chorion villus sampling testing centers in Kolkata can detect Down syndrome or some other chromosomal condition, as well as other genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis, in a baby. Even though CV sampling can give you critical information about the health of your unborn child, it is important to be aware of the risks and be ready for the outcome. When to Consider Undergoing Chorion Villus Sampling Testing? You might think about sampling chorionic villus if: Prenatal testing in Kolkata outcomes was favorable in your case. You may decide to have ...